Local measures in Munich and other host cities

UEFA EURO 2024: Sustainability in the Host City Munich

The UEFA EURO 2024 was intended to set standards not only in terms of sport, but also in terms of sustainability. The measures implemented by Host City Munich.


Overview: These measures were implemented for UEFA EURO 2024 in Munich

he preparation and organization of this tournament with its great appeal offered the opportunity to set new standards in terms of sustainability. The tournament was to be as environmentally friendly as possible, bring people together, create community and be a place of diversity, exchange and inclusion.

Host City Munich has bundled its commitment to a sustainable UEFA EURO 2024 under the motto “Fair Open Green” and implemented these 7 highlight measures, among others:

Sports officer Florian Kraus in the FAIR PLAY ZONE

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FAIR PLAY ZONE in the Fan Zone in the Olympic Park

FAIR PLAY ZONE in der Fan Zone München zur UEFA EURO 2024
Michael Hofmann
Moritz Janke (Lernen mit Kick / AWO) at the FAIR PLAY ZONE in Munich

As part of UEFA EURO 2024, sustainability issues played a central role in all areas of the tournament. In addition to the sustainable planning and organization of the Fan Zone (e.g. waste, disposal, catering, accessibility, etc.), corresponding topics were also reflected in the supporting program.

The host city presented this as part of a central platform within the Fan Zone, the FAIR PLAY ZONE. This brought together a variety of sustainability topics and provided a modular platform for a wide range of offers. In addition to municipal contributions in cooperation with departments of the Munich city administration, clubs, organizations and civil society initiatives also found their place.

“Lernen mit Kick”, a project of AWO Kreisverband München Stadt e.V., was on site on all 31 days and provided inclusive offers on the topic of sustainability in soccer. At the same time, the FAIR PLAY ZONE was regularly used by other organizations with a variety of offers: Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München, Behinderten- und Rehabilitations-Sportverband Bayern e.V., Engagement Global gGmbH, FC Bayern München e.V., Städtische Forstverwaltung, Kommunalreferat/Fachstelle Zero Waste, Horizont e.V., Atelier La Silhouette Junge Frauen und Beruf e.V., Mobilitätsreferat, Münchner Ernährungsrat, Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation, Stiftung Ambulantes Kinderhospiz München, UnternehmerTUM GmbH

Impressions from the FAIR PLAY ZONE in the video

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Holistic sporting activities in the fan zone

Jonglierkoffer auf einer Wiese
RBS/Landeshauptstadt München

The big European Football Championship fan festival in the Olympiapark offered much more than “just” top-class sport to watch at the public viewing. Visitors found a varied and free program with many interactive and sporting activities. Every day, weather permitting, the Department of Education and Sport's FreizeitSport program offered a colourful hands-on games activity on Hans-Jochen-Vogel-Platz and in the small Olympic Hall. Visitors of all ages were able to balance, juggle and get active together.

The Bavarian Football Association set up a mini pitch on Hans-Jochen-Vogel-Platz. Various tournament formats for all age groups (male and female) and an inclusion tournament took place there. The DFB-Mobil made a guest appearance with specific training sessions, there was a training offer from the BFV vacation soccer schools, a workshop with a soccer freestyler, a raffle of the soccer court for training sessions for all Bavarian clubs as well as numerous motto and action days: from the Day of the Bavarian Referees to the Day of Girls' and Women's Football to the Day of Munich Clubs. There were open hands-on activities for all festival visitors with a goal measurement system, interactive goal wall and battle cage.

On July 4, the BFV Soccer Court also hosted the big Inclusion Day - with inclusive soccer activities such as frame football with walking aids, soccer for the blind and amputee soccer. There was great jubilation at the award ceremony of the FootballFriendsCup when Anna Schaffelhuber-Kaiser (8-time gold medal winner at the Winter Paralympics) and Heidi Beckenbauer, among others, presented the medals. 

Football is for everyone! Impressions from Inclusion Day

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Free drinking water fountains

Host-City-Botschafterin Ka Lehmann beim kostenlosen Trinkwasserbrunnen am Stachus
Anette Göttlicher
Munich has won a free drinking water fountain at Stachus, which will remain after the European Championships

UEFA EURO 2024 will take place in the summer, possibly in very high temperatures. The DFB, UEFA, EURO 2024 GmbH, host cities, the federal government and the federal states have agreed in a joint understanding to expand the range of drinking fountains in the host cities where water is provided free of charge.

All visitors to Munich can already obtain free drinking water from 48 existing drinking fountains in public squares and green spaces. A list and a digital map of all drinking fountains can be found here.

During UEFA EURO 2024, seven temporary drinking water fountains in the fan zone and at the public viewing area in Munich's Olympic Park will also provide access to free drinking water.

In addition, the Berlin-based association “a tip: tap e.V.“ has launched a drinking fountain campaign to mark the European Football Championship. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.

As part of the campaign, local authorities and water suppliers were able to apply for one of 51 public drinking fountains, one fountain for each EURO 2024 match. The winning cities were announced by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke on the occasion of World Water Day on March 22, 2024. As one of the host cities, Munich was also awarded the contract to build a drinking fountain at the proposed location on Karlsplatz (Stachus).

Host City Ambassador Ka Lehmann presented the free drinking fountain in the middle of the city during the European Championships: "I am delighted that Host City Munich has won one of the 51 drinking fountains." And the best thing about it: "The drinking fountain will remain in place after the European Championships to enable people to enjoy drinking water sustainably," said Dominik Lanzl from a tip: tap.

Ka Lehmann presents the free drinking water fountain at Stachus

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One-way ban and reusable ban in the fan zone

Hand hält Mehrwegbecher vor einem See

Food and drinks in the Fan Zone were only served in returnable and reusable packaging and reusable cutlery was available.

The only disposable cutlery was the untreated wooden chip picks. The reusable crockery, cups and cutlery were washed in our own dishwashing lines or by service providers. For the Fan Zone alone, there was an initial stock of 20,000 items, which were handed out at a total of 17 food and/or drinks outlets - plus the beer garden in the Olympic Park. A deposit of 3 euros was charged on the deposit cups and plates.

During a visit to the Fan Zone, Ka Lehmann, Ambassador of Host City Munich, was also shown the reusable system in the Fan Zone. Laura Herzog, who is responsible for sustainability at the Olympic Park, explained to Ka Lehmann how the reusable system was received by visitors - before she handed over drinks cups and chip trays herself. “The drinks deposit has been tried and tested here at the Olympic Park for many years, and the chip trays are a further step towards sustainability,” said Laura Herzog and also showed Ka Lehmann other sustainability components in the Fan Zone, such as drinking water dispensers, sun cream dispensers and the Fair Play Zone.

Video: Ka Lehmann tests the reusable system

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Attractive cycle routes for football fans

There were many ways to get around the city and to the stadium sustainably. In addition to public transport and shared mobility options, cycling was also a good way to get to the matches and events surrounding the European Championships in an environmentally friendly, sporty and healthy way.

Signposted, attractive cycle routes not only offered an environmentally friendly alternative, but also an authentic experience with a special flair for fans and visitors alike. The route to the stadium in Fröttmaning, for example, went comfortably through the English Garden with refreshment stops in classic Munich beer gardens. An overview of the cycle routes can be found here. The two ambassadors of Host City Munich Ka Lehman and Felix Brych were also there: “Let's go - by bike to Euro 2024!”

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Host City Sustainability Ambassador

Kathrin Lehmann smiling at the camera
Anija Schlichenmaier

With Kathrin “Ka” Lehmann acting as local ambassador, Host City Munich was focusing on sustainability issues - in addition to the official ambassador of Host City Munich, Dr. Felix Brych. Kathrin Lehmann has been primarily working on the topics of ecological sustainability, diversity and tolerance as well as the positive economic impact of the major sporting event.

She has also been involved in the European Improv Theater Championship, which took place in Munich from 18 April to 19 May 2024 as part of the cultural supporting program in preparation for UEFA EURO 2024. Under the motto “Long live diversity”, the event also featured performances by drag queens, a Bulgarian choir and the Rainbow Sound Orchestra Munich.

Together with Ka Lehmann, Host City Munich also takes a look behind the scenes during the tournament and takes a closer look at the sustainable planning and organization of the Fan Zone.

And she was also doing good: the Offene Behindertenarbeit - evangelisch in der Region München (OBA) and the "Mädchen an den Ball" project of the BIKU e.V. association are delighted with a donation from Kathrin "Ka" Lehmann. The Host City Ambassador presented the two organisations with a cheque for 5,000 euros each in the Fan Zone at Munich's Olympic Park.

Cheques handed over by Ka Lehmann

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“Hands-on day” for the volunteers

Group of volunteers for UEFA EURO 2024 at the kick-off in the Deutsches Theater
Anette Göttlicher
Munich volunteers at the big kick-off event at the Deutsches Theater on April 27

On July 4, in cooperation with the “FöBE” (a civic engagement promotion agency) and various Munich volunteer agencies, the “Anpacktag” (Tackle Day) was held, where all 1,600 Munich volunteers for EURO 2024 were invited to take part in various projects.

At the intercultural soccer tournament, for example, you could get to know new soccer enthusiasts from other cultures. A walk followed by a visit to a café with wheelchair-bound senior citizens also focused on personal interaction.

As part of the inclusive event “Make Munich barrier-free”, Munich's Westend was checked for barriers together with people with disabilities. The aim of the “100,000 Cigarette Butt Challenge” was to collect as many discarded cigarettes as possible in the area around the Isar river with the help of numerous volunteers and to clear nature of garbage. Talented volunteers could register for the redesign of the Bodelschwingh-Hof for homeless people. There was also a bicycle repair workshop and a research Olympics for primary school children.

Environmental, social and governance issues are considered together

EURO 2024 GmbH generally classifies the various sustainability measures under the umbrella of the so-called “ESG strategy” in the three categories Environment (E), Social (S) and Governance (G). This allows the sustainability measures to be assigned uniformly and also enables synergies across host cities. In concrete terms, this means the following:


The environmental component focuses on minimizing the impact of the sporting event on the environment. This includes reducing energy and water consumption, using renewable energy, promoting public transportation and reducing waste through recycling and waste management. Organizers can also implement initiatives to promote environmental awareness among participants and spectators.


The social component aims to create an inclusive and equitable event. This includes measures to promote equal opportunities, integrate disadvantaged groups, ensure health and safety for all participants and engage the local community. Programs to promote education, health and social engagement can be implemented to have a positive impact on society.


The governance component deals with the responsible leadership and management of the event. This includes transparency, ethical behavior, compliance with laws and regulations, good business practices and stakeholder engagement. Good governance ensures integrity and trust and guarantees a sustainable and long-term orientation of the sporting event.

Further sustainability measures of Host City Munich in the three categories


  • Use of existing sports venues and infrastructure: Existing sports and event venues (e.g. Allianz Arena, Munich Olympic Park) and infrastructure (e.g. public transport) will be used for UEFA EURO 2024.
  • Avoidance and compensation of event-related emissions
  • Upcycling of procured materials
  • The necessity and production of Host City-specific advertising measures (e.g. posters) and merchandise articles is considered from a sustainability perspective. For the first time, the special advertising spaces (25 individual large-format stands) were made from PVC-free PES material.
  • Clothing donations: Donation of leftover / no longer needed items of clothing (uniforms, volunteers, etc.)
  • Internal project work under sustainability aspects (business trips by train where possible, paperless work where possible, use of e-service vehicles, etc.)


  • Bicycle parking facilities will be provided at the entrances to the fan zone (Olympic Park).
  • The use of rental bicycles (MVG-Rad and others) and e-scooters will be actively promoted.
  • Creation of concepts for safe and non-violent arrival and departure
  • Combi-ticket: The admission ticket for a match in Munich entitles the holder to a 36-hour ticket for the entire MVV network (Munich Transport and Tariff Association) at no additional cost.

Fan Zone:

  • Implementation of the one-way/reusable ban in the fan zone. Waste regulations must be complied with at all events in the city of Munich. This includes, in particular, the ban on disposable containers at events on properties or in facilities belonging to the City of Munich, as well as on public streets and squares (reusable container ban). Food and drinks may only be served at events on public property in returnable and reusable packaging and only with reusable cutlery.
  • Offer sustainable / alternative / barrier-free toilet facilities in the fan zone.
  • Focus on reuse / renting instead of buying, stands/structures made from sustainable/recycled materials#
  • Gastronomic offer with focus on organic/health/climate protection
  • The Fan Zone in Munich's Olympic Park is powered entirely by green electricity, with the exception of emergency supplies.

Spectator Experience incl. volunteer program:

  • Digital recruiting of volunteers, volunteers are mainly informed and trained about their work assignments in digital formats
  • Community campaigns by volunteers: waste collection campaigns (awareness-raising) > clean-ups, plogging and volunteer day


  • Clothing donations: Donation of leftover / no longer needed clothing (uniforms volunteers, etc.)


  • Use of suitable pictograms / signage
  • Creation of a mobility and safety concept with consideration of the protection of residents, focus on the stadium

Fan Zone:

  • Visibility for girls' and women's soccer is created in the Fan Zone.
  • Visiting the Fan Zone is generally free of charge and not compulsory.
  • Accompanying cultural program is considered with Fan Zone concept.

Event Promotion:

  • With the Munich Window ("Münchner Fenster") and info screens in public transport, digital offers are used for event promotion.
  • Tourism: advertise/promote longer stays

Spectator Experience incl. volunteer program:

  • Inclusive application process for volunteers; application open to all, diversity, variety and inclusion expressly desired, tandem solution
  • Barrier-free design of the volunteer center
  • Volunteer calls via volunteer agencies with a focus on diversity and inclusion
  • Involvement of municipal cultural and educational institutions with their own football-related program content. On the occasion of UEFA EURO 2024, the Munich Adult Education Center is holding an “Anpfiff Sprachen” (kick-off languages) campaign day and is offering, among other things, 90-minute introductory courses for everyone on all languages of the participating countries on Saturday, 15.06.2024, at the Language Center of the Munich Adult Education Center.
  • Existing pools from previous events (EC 2022, UEFA EURO 2020) will be used to recruit volunteers - in compliance with data protection regulations. At the same time, a permanent volunteer pool will be set up for subsequent events.
  • Measures for volunteers on the topics of balanced lifestyles, balanced nutrition and well-being
  • Benefit program (e.g. vouchers) for volunteers, e.g. through partnerships with local restaurateurs / healthy offers at the volunteer center


  • At the end of 2023, the City Council of the City of Munich decided to continue the “Women's Night Taxi” service permanently from 01.01.2024 and at the same time to increase the municipal subsidy to 10 euros. The service is therefore guaranteed to be available during the tournament period. The vouchers will be issued to affected persons at the info point in the fan zone in the Olympic Park.

Special Projects:

  • Strengthening amateur soccer and voluntary urban culture through a so-called soccer coordinator in cooperation between the Bavarian Football Association and the City of Munich
  • Participation in the “10,000 Smiles” campaign to give tickets to suitable institutions.


  • Specification of concrete objectives with a focus on sustainability when creating the host city concept; implementation and monitoring of the objectives as part of the implementation of the event
  • Respect for human rights: The Host City Munich is aware of its duty and responsibility with regard to human rights in the preparation and implementation of UEFA EURO 2024 and supports the tournament-related human rights declaration of UEFA, DFB, EURO 2024 GmbH, the Federal Government, the federal states and host cities of 14.11.2023. The Host City Munich respects human rights in its business activities, processes and entrepreneurial actions and participates in the development of a grievance mechanism.

UEFA EURO 2024: Major event with a sustainability approach

UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany should not only create tangible added value in sporting terms, but also socially beyond the tournament itself. In order to achieve this, UEFA, the DFB, EURO 2024 GmbH, the federal government, the federal states and the host cities, including the city of Munich, have defined a common understanding of a sustainable UEFA EURO 2024 in advance.

Based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the organizer, host and host cities have for the first time adopted a joint, holistic and sustainable approach to the preparation and staging of a major sporting event.

A comprehensive understanding of sustainability is to be achieved with measures and projects at all levels in the areas of "Environment and Climate", "Good Governance", "Society" and "Health and Physical Activity".

"By successfully hosting the European Championships Munich 2022, the sports city of Munich has already played a pioneering role in sustainability. In this spirit, we would also like to establish ourselves as a pioneer for sustainable sporting events as the host city. UEFA EURO 2024 in Munich should thus become a pioneering example of sustainable sporting events - an event that combines a passion for football with responsible and future-oriented action and makes a positive contribution to the environment, society and the economy."

Verena Dietl, Mayor of Munich
Verena Dietl Third mayor of Munich

“In addition to the overarching measures of all host cities, Host City Munich has developed a large number of local measures - together with numerous cooperation partners. The tournament should be as environmentally friendly as possible, bring people together, create community and be a place of diversity, exchange and inclusion. I'm looking forward to that!”

Florian Kraus, Head of the Department of Education and Sport
Florian Kraus Head of Sports of the City of Munich

On behalf of the Department of Education and Sport

This article about the UEFA EURO 2024 in the host city of Munich, one of 10 host cities of the European Football Championship in Germany, was commissioned by the Department of Education and Sport (RBS). The content was coordinated between the RBS and muenchen.de, the official city portal.