Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität: Not only interesting for students

Ludwig Maximilian University: Info about Munich's beautiful university

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität is not only one of the largest universities in Germany, but also one of the most beautiful: All information about the traditional university.

Sprudelnder Brunnen vor der LMU in München
Lea Liebhart

Sanierte Schalenbrunnen sind wieder in Betrieb

Sie haben schon Generationen von Studenten erfrischt: Die beiden Doppelschalenbrunnen vor dem Uni-Hauptgebäude sind weltbekannt und ein beliebter Treffpunkt nach Vorlesungen. Der Architekt Friedrich von Gärtner hat sie von 1840-1844 im Auftrag von Ludwig I. im klassizistischen Stil erbaut.

Ein Jahr lang wurden die denkmalgeschützten Zwillingsbrunnen restauriert und waren durch Holzverschläge verdeckt. Jetzt plätschern sie wieder und strahlen in frischer grüner Farbe kräftiger als zuvor. Die Brunnenbecken haben einen Durchmesser von rund 10 Metern mit einer jeweils 8,20 Meter hohen, eisengegossenen Brunnensäule.

Die beiden Brunnen auf den halbkreisförmigen Geschwister-Scholl-Platz (westlich der Ludwigstraße) und Professor-Huber-Platz (östlich) werden auch Römische Brunnen genannt, da sie nach dem Vorbild der Brunnen auf dem Petersplatz in Rom gestaltet und platziert wurden.

Facts about the LMU

  • The main building of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität is located on Ludwigstraße in the immediate vicinity of the Siegestor, the Bavarian State Library and the Ludwigskirche.
  • More than 50,000 students study at 18 faculties in Munich. This makes it one of the largest universities in Germany.
  • Founded in 1472, the LMU is Germany's ninth oldest university.

History of Ludwig-Maximilians-University

Although it is a traditional institution in Munich, LMU was actually founded in the city of Ingolstadt in 1472. In 1800, Elector Max IV Joseph moved the university to Landshut. In 1826, King Ludwig I brought the university to Munich in one of his first official acts.

The present main building of the university, designed by Friedrich von Gärtner, has been home to university activities since 1840.

The Geschwister-Scholl-Platz in front of the main building as well as the Professor-Huber-Platz in front of the law faculty commemorate the resistance of the "White Rose" against the Nazi regime. The siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl, Professor Kurt Huber and other students were executed by the Nazis in 1943.

Since 1997, a memorial in the atrium of the main building has also commemorated the resistance fighters of the "White Rose".

Students study not only in the magnificent main building

Studenten lauschen einer Vorlesung in der LMU
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

50,000 students study at the 18 faculties of the Ludwig Maximilian University in around 150 different courses. In terms of numbers, this makes Munich's LMU one of the five largest universities in Germany.

However, the majority of the faculties are not housed in the magnificent main building, but in adjoining buildings in the university district of Maxvorstadt along Schellingstraße or Theresienstraße - or outsourced to Munich's Großhadern district and even to the city of Oberschleißheim, a few miles to the north of Munich.

The main building mainly houses large lecture halls for lectures that are particularly popular with the public, as well as the large auditorium (Große Aula), which is used for festive occasions such as concerts and award ceremonies.

At a glance

Ludwig Maximilian University

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München

Tel: +498921800
Fax: +498921802322